Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I've been Googled

My mother Googled me!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Friday, November 20, 2009

Shopping Ban Update: Turkey is the new black

Black Friday is rapidly approaching, like a freight train headed towards me while I lean down to pick up a penny from the tracks. Despite my best efforts at a shopping ban, the stores are pulling out all the stops...even before Turkey day!

I already posted about PH8, the new athletic store from Bebe (think a Eurotrash version of Lululemon) which is launching just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday.

Now Rachel by Rachel Roy, sold online and at Macy's, is tempting me to break my shopping ban with 30% off coupons! I'm taking it one sale at a time, so far so good...if you don't count the 5 for $25 sale I hit up at Victoria's Secret Pink. In my defense I sold $25 worth of clothes at Crossroads last week and had yet to use the cash, so technically this wasn't a purchase as much as recycling...eww recycled undies ; )

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Fate of Bebe Sport

If you're like me you probably thought Bebe Sport died a long time ago...but we'd both be wrong! Bebe Sport, the athletic based retail spin off of Bebe, has been reincarnated as the hipster hangout...PH8 (pronounced "fate") Check it out at Glendale, San Francisco Center, Townsend, and Pentagon City. The store still carries athletic "weekend wear" but with an edgier twist; think Stella McCartney for Adidas. Check out these coupons for up to $100 off in stores!

Monday, November 16, 2009